Looking For Something For Your Cat?
I’ve compiled the following list of local resources to help cat parents in the Twin Cities find help or other resources for their cats with a special emphasis on free and low cost resources. Resources are either ones I personally have used, come highly recommended by clients and colleagues, or have been screened by me to ensure you’re getting set up with places that take your cat’s wellbeing into account. Despite this, I cannot make guarantees about your experience with any resource not run by me.
This page is under construction and resources will be added over time.
Cat Services
Services for cats in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and surrounding suburbs including groomers, veterinarians, and more. Don’t forget about your favorite Minneapolis cat behaviorist if you need behavior help!
In Home Euthanasia
Cremation And Memorials
Misc. Services
Cat Supplies
If you need something for your cat today and don’t want to go to a big box store, these are some places you can look.
Minneapolis And Saint Paul
- Coming Soon
Need help deciding what to get?
Don’t fret, I got you. I keep a list of suggested cat products up to date for your reference. If you’re looking for a guide on picking out common cat supplies, I have a few on topics including:
Rescues, Shelters, And Non-Profits
Cat Specific
Things For Humans
These are more focused on meeting the needs of cats’ humans including fun things to do and local resources for pet loss support.
Free And Low Cost Resources
It can be a challenge to find resources that fit within every budget or you may encounter unexpected expenses. These organizations offer sliding scale, reduced cost, or free services or other resources. Please check their specific website for more information.