Class Act Cats
Minneapolis And Virtual Cat Behavior Help and Training
If you’re looking for hands on cat behavior help or cat training that actually works (unlike that squirt bottle), you’re in the right place. We can turn your cat from sassy to classy! Class Act Cats helps cat parents with common and frustrating cat behavior problems solve their cat behavior woes even if they feel like they have tried everything.

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Cats are
amazing creatures.
They bring so much joy to our lives… until they don’t. Having a cat that is peeing on your couch, fighting with another cat, or using your leg as a chew toy doesn’t fill anyone with happiness!
Put The Spray Bottle Down And Reach For Real Solutions
No matter how much you love your cat, these behavior problems can cause you stress and damage your home. Even if you’ve tried addressing the behavior, you may have gotten bad advice or focused on the wrong solution. Eventually you’ll end up at your wit’s end trying to fix your cat’s behavior if you’re using ineffective methods. What do you do when you feel like you’ve tried everything?
Class Act Cats Solves Cat Behavior Problems
Thankfully, you don’t need to navigate this alone. Based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Certified Cat Behavior Consultant Joey Lusvardi of Class Act Cats helps cats of all ages, from kittens to senior cats, get back to behaving their classiest. Wherever you live, we can help you virtually to get your home feeling like a home again.
Joey has extensive experience helping solve both common and puzzling unwanted cat behaviors and he can help you, too! Whatever your concern is, he’ll give you personalized, effective advice so you don’t need to guess what to do next.
We’ll make the process as low stress as possible and at times, it will even be fun! You’ll learn to love your cat again.
Cat Behavior Services
Reintroduction Program For Fighting Cats
Cat fights bringing you down? We got you. Joey has a special program that gets your cats living peacefully together.
Behavior Consultations
Our most popular service. Behavior consultations help get your cat using the litter box again, solve aggressive behaviors, and more.
Cat and Kitten Training For Fun
Build your relationship with your cat while having fun!
Real Solutions For Real Cat Behavior Problems
Joey can help with most behavior concerns, including severe ones. Common behavior problems we see:
- Aggression, tension, and fighting between cats
- Peeing, pooping, or spraying outside the litter box
- Biting, scratching, or other aggressive behaviors toward humans
- Destructive behaviors like scratching furniture
- Cats not getting along with dogs
- Excessive meowing
- Stressed, fearful, and shy cats
This list is not exhaustive, so if you are looking for something similar we can probably still help. During your consultation, we’ll figure out the reason behind your cat’s behavior and come up with tangible steps to start fixing it.

Feeling Lost? Cat Behavior Help To Get You Back On Track
Don’t just guess or rely on outdated, ineffective advice to help your cat behave their best. Go with a pro! Behavior consultations will help you figure out the best path forward.
Think of us like a cat therapist. During our sessions, we’ll help you figure out what your cat is trying to communicate and help them get their needs met. Your cat will thank you with consistent litter box usage, living in harmony with other cats, and an abundance of purrs.
Do I Need A Cat Behaviorist?
It’s hard to get your cat to do what you want when you’re trying to figure things out on your own. Why make it more difficult than it needs to be? Your plan is individualized to your cats so you’ll know what to do rather than feeling confused, stressed, or uncertain. You’ll leave feeling more confident that you and your cats will be living happily together again!

What do people have to say about Class Act Cats?
Read these reviews of satisfied cat parents whose cats are less sassy and more classy!

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