Prevention Packages

The best way to address cat behavior problems is to not have them in the first place. Want to prevent needing us for something more extensive or serious in the future like fixing a conflict between cats? Want to help a new cat adjust to their new living situation? What about making sure your home is as cat-friendly as it can be?

Class Act Cats has options for you to prevent unwanted behavior problems and get a personalized plan for your situation. These are a great option for new cat parents, people bringing home a second cat to their existing clowder, or anyone who wants some extra support in cats that don’t have an existing behavior concern.

If your cat already has a behavior problem, these packages aren’t for you. You’ll want a behavior consultation instead.

Welcome Home Package - $225

Adopting a new cat? This three-session series is purrfect for you! Whether you are going to be introducing the new cat to your current cats or your only cat(s), we’ll answer all your questions and leave you feeling confident. Includes a one-hour initial consult (which can be done to prepare ahead of bringing home your new best friend) plus two 30-minute follow-up sessions to be used within 90 days to check in about how things are going. 

Important: This package is a preventative service and isn’t meant to address tension between current cats in your home. If you currently have fighting cats, please look into my behavior consultations or reintroduction program.

Looking For Help With Basic Cat Care?

A brown tabby cat sits on top of a wall shelf (not a cat shelf) with books on both sides. Plants are seen in the corner.

Whether it’s clipping nails or giving your cat medication, some of the most basic tasks of being a cat parent can be a challenge. With some preparation, they don’t need to be so tough. 

Check out my Easy Cat Care program for ways to learn how you can much more easily groom your cat, get them into their carrier, and more!